Saturday, March 3, 2012

Prejudice and discrimination

If asked, most of the people would probably describe prejudice as an improper, unseemly standpoint, unacceptable by the ethical standards of our modern society. Sure. In a general sense yes. But, what if the same unfavourable attitude aims towards some repulsive, deplorable individual or a social group? Is it also unacceptable to be biased about a murderer, rapist, child molester or animal abuser? Not in my book. Making a preconceived judgment or assumption about such lowlife scumbags is a only a testimony of person's well refined moral and ethical principles.

Yes, of course! I can imagine a legion of politically correct lunatics getting all up in arms: "That's discrimination! Don't these people have any rights?".
Nope! None whatsoever, you morons! They revoked their own rights and privileges of decent human beings at that very moment, they violated rights of the others.
But lo and behold! There’s one right they should get granted: A ROPE.

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