Sunday, August 22, 2010

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Sunday Evening Prayer

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Sunday Evening Prayer

Sunday Evening Prayer

Sunday evening. Unless a next few hours provide me with some unanticipated surprise, it will be able to declare this past weekend as an uneventful, but quite pleasant and relaxing one.

Let's hope the upcoming week rolls round in a similar spirit, avoiding any potential head-up collision with a dumb-ass.

And I'd like to extend these warmest thoughts and wishes to you too! Hope you don't mind.......... Milo.

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: The Man's Nature

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: The Man's Nature

The Man's Nature

Should you decide to read a following few lines, you'd better be prepared to learn possibly the most shocking revelation, you've ever heard in your entire life. I'm going to share with you a staggering secret, carefully guarded for millenniums, a sacred truth, known by the long forgotten ancient nations from the dawn of civilization. This concealed knowledge originates possibly as far as 35000 years ago, when the Cro-Magnon man first invented a woman.

I will present you a factual conclusion about a predestined human condition disguised so masterly, it's been constantly misinterpreted (amazingly enough) by both genders alike. Women, at least their romantically inclined overwhelming majority, are immensely delighted by the little random acts of chivalry, occasionally performed for them by men and they love them for it. Needless to say, the guys gladly accept any credit that comes their way, for anything they might have done, either knowingly or not and this instance is not an exception. So it seems, everyone involved in such a social interaction feels always somehow uplifted - gallantry works like a magic. It considerably boosts a man's ego and a woman's self-confidence at the same time. But beware! You know, what's really hiding behind your cavalier's courtly gesture, when he opens the door and let's you go ahead, or when he slams on the brakes of his vehicle, so you can safely cross the road in front of him? Or why he's always behind you when you walk upstairs, providing a safety net in case you trip and fall? Well, in a plain reality, your prince charming does it solely because he wants to check and evaluate your curves from behind.

Why do we do that? An irresistible enchanting parable comes to my mind:

There is a fable about a scorpion asking a frog to carry him across a river. The frog is afraid of being stung, but the scorpion reassures him that if it stung the frog, he would sink and the scorpion would drown as well. The frog then agrees; nevertheless, in mid-stream, the scorpion stings him, dooming both of them. When asked why, the scorpion explains, "I could not help myself. I'm a scorpion; it's my nature."

When you notice a gentleman pausing, turning his head and gazing at the passing dame's rear, don't judge him harshly. He just needs to make sure, she's equally good going, as she's coming. He just can't help himself. He's a man. That's his nature.


Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Accidental Fatalities

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Accidental Fatalities

Accidental Fatalities

(From Milo's Uncomfort Zone Files)

I realize, this subject might be a bit uncomfortable for some sentimental, traditions loving folks, but I can assure you, the following comments are not written with an intent to disrespect anyone's beliefs or to deride anyone's feelings.

It is always heartbreaking to follow the news about another Canadian soldier coming back home from his or her deployment in a flag-wrapped metal casket. And I for one readily endorse, those fallen soldiers deserve to be honored a remembered. However, no matter how I look at it, I can't find a striking difference between these and any other workplace fatality. After all, is anyone really buying into the notion, those young people are joining the army for the love of their country? At least not in this day and age, when for majority of them the enlisting is strictly a career choice. For some, its a solid opportunity to receive a quality education, and for others to get a well financially compensated job with great benefits and a generous pension plan. So, lets face it - in a case of becoming the unfortunate war (or a peacekeeping mission, as we like to call it) casualty, they don't die for their country, but rather for their paycheck.

Now, now, I can see you shaking your head and calling me an insensitive prick, but before you crucify me, ask yourself a question: Is a death of a military member more regrettable then the one of a truck driver, miner or a construction worker? Did you know, that over 1000 Canadian workers die every year as a direct result of a workplace accident? That's four people every working day! Just how many of them have received an ostentatious state funeral and their mourning families personal condolences from the PM? And - have you ever seen a profile of killed industrial worker running on the national prime time television newscast? Or his or her picture published on the front page of your daily newspaper? Me neither.

If you're still mad at me for not giving any preferences when it comes to these sad affairs, please, answer me this: How would you convince the killed logger's widow, her husband's life was not as equally important as the one of a soldier who died the same day on his job somewhere in a faraway land? I'd really like to hear that argument.


Milo's Laid-Back Observations: The Mankind Greatest Invention

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: The Mankind Greatest Invention

The Mankind Greatest Invention

Throughout the long history of mankind there is no shortage of glorious moments, that have transformed the landscape of the human evolution. Groundbreaking technological advancements, important social order changes, or remarkable scientific discoveries. Among such turning-points defining those triumphant human race accomplishments were inventions of a wheel, penicillin, single malt whiskey, miniskirt, combustion engine and Airedale terrier, just to name a few. But the greatest of them all, hands down, would undoubtedly have to be blue jeans. I'm sure we can all agree, there is nothing more inspiring and spiritually uplifting than a skin-tight pair of straight leg denim blue jeans (especially from a rear visual angle). M.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Boxing Gloves

During my latest brain wave storm, I suddenly realized, that a person wearing boxing gloves would have almost certainly encountered a serious challenge if he (or she, for that matter) had to answer a nature call. M.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Rocky - RIP

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Rocky - RIP

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: My Morning Prayer

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: My Morning Prayer

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Wake Up, Canadians!

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Wake Up, Canadians!

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Bleak Outlook for Mankind

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Bleak Outlook for Mankind

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Shanghai Building Collapses

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Shanghai Building Collapses

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Lonesome Birthday

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Lonesome Birthday

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Bikers Infestation

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Bikers Infestation

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: The Diving Folly

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: The Diving Folly

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Latest Reality Check - It's Not My Fault!

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Latest Reality Check - It's Not My Fault!

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: At the Doctor's Office

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: At the Doctor's Office

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Proverbial Canadian Politeness - Where Did It Go?

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Proverbial Canadian Politeness - Where Did It Go?

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: My St. Patty's Grievance

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: My St. Patty's Grievance

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: World's Biggest Dog - I Think...

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: World's Biggest Dog - I Think...

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Spoiled Acts of Random Kindness

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Spoiled Acts of Random Kindness

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Sinking Ship

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Sinking Ship

Rocky - RIP

Rocky was my good old friend. We've seen each other only once a while, during my brief visits at our client's office. Lately, Rocky has lounged around most of the time. His bright eyes were still flickering with jolly stars, but there was no energy left to frolic around anymore. When I entered the door and say hi to him, he'd lift his head and wag his tail to greet me. Yesterday morning, I found his bed empty. He passed away quietly, knowing it was his time to go. Rest in peace, buddy. You will be missed. M.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Bleak Outlook for Mankind

Milo's Laid-Back Observations: Bleak Outlook for Mankind

My Morning Prayer

This wakening morning saluted us with a promise of another beautiful day.

Please, don't spoil it for the rest of us by being a fat, hairy, sweaty guy in a skintight tank top.
