Saturday, March 3, 2012

Cream of the Crop on the Parliament Hill

Undoubtedly, today’s “Question Period” session reached its lowest point possible, when Liberal Member of Parliament Justin Trudeau hurled an obscenity at Environment Minister Peter Kent, calling him “a piece of shit”. By design the “Question Period” is an opportunity for the opposition parties to seek information from the Government and to call it to account for its actions. Unfortunately, it became a sad tradition in Commons, this discussion often turns into a shouting and heckling competition and only the voice of those who scream the loudest can be heard. It’s been suggested, the Parliament Members sometimes act like a bunch of unruly kindergarten brats, but I beg to differ. Even a preschool children learn quickly, such a repulsive disrespectful behaviour can be under no circumstances ever tolerated.
If classless, arrogant garbage like Justin Trudeau is our “cream of the crop” elected representative, what does it say about the rest of us. I’d rather don’t want to know.

One cannot resist the urge to compare present-day politicians pathetic performance to those of the influential, inspiring speakers of the ancient past and our modern history. The masters of eloquence, like Cicero, Caesar, Churchill or Kennedy would be crying tears of shame if they could hear what happened on Ottawa’s Parliament Hill today.

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