Monday, December 27, 2010

Summary Paper Bill Fee

Aha! There we go again!

It never fails to amaze me how perseveringly inventive they prove to be. By "they" I mean all those faceless and soulless institutions, (private and state alike) who are tirelessly trying to dig deeper into our pockets.

Just today, I've noticed a brand new extra $2.00 charge on my last Telus Mobility monthly statement. As usual, they've justified a new form of the rip-off by disguising it as a noble initiative. In this case, so called "Summary Paper Bill Fee" is according to Telus "an attempt to reduce paper waste and save the trees". Please, at least spare me of your fake concern and bogus noble-mindedness!

Apparently, it was Fido who introduced a paper bill option for a $2.00/month cost as oppose to free online billing and quite predictably this example was soon followed by Bell Mobility and now Telus as well.

All right, I know. You don't get much for your two bucks these days, so why even bother? But that's not a moot point here. This is yet another obtrusive hidden fee, which the hundreds, perhaps thousands of subscribers won't even notice on their bills and that's what I truly loathe. Those companies wager on people's stupidity and submissive indifference and at the end of the day, they always make the big time!


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