Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Latest Reality Check - It's Not My Fault!

Just that you know: it took me 55 years and some change to figure everything out. And I mean: EVERYTHING! Well, more accurately, I knew all along, but I needed some extra time to come to terms with it, before I finally arrived to this state of unconditional acceptance. So, there we go, the whole naked true: none of it is my fault, it's been all predefined and there is nothing I could have ever done about that.

How so? It's quite simple, actually. We've been all wired the very precise, specific way, and NONE of it can be changed or modified. And - please, don't even bother, all the resistance is futile. What a relief! At last, I know, why I have never achieved anything significant or at least a wee bit interesting in my life, and why the heck, even in one-man race I've always managed to finish second. Call it what you want - a God's will, a destiny or an individual genetic make-up, but there's no point to fight it! Our cards have been dealt the day we first came to this world - some are born leaders, the others followers, winners or losers, famous and privileged or poor no-names.
Take a bee, for example. No difference between us. Our social order seems to be remarkably similar to the one of the bee-hive colony. The natural hierarchical relation among the bees has been strictly determined. A drone will never even dream of becoming a queen, his place in the society is firm a he KNOWS. He understands where he stands, he doesn't waste his time reading the motivational books, he doesn't see himself as an underachiever, he has no regrets or second guesses. He's free of prejudice or jealousy, he does not need to pretend and fake anything. He is what he is - and believe or not - HE IS OK!

Smart little bugger, this drone guy, isn't he?

(; M.

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