Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Our Moral Duties

Sometimes, the boundaries between right and wrong are kind of hazy and not so easy to define. That's why all of us have our own and unique set of values, bundled into some sort of personal policies - the guidelines how to approach the individual issues, if you will. Whatever would be fine and perfectly justifiable for one person, might be completely unacceptable for another. With any new experience we are subjected to, our horizon expands and this freshly acquired information allows us to perceive and understand reality from a little bit different perspective. And those are usually the turning points, when we recognize, it's about time to reevaluate our "old" moral and social codes. For example: a little boy does not know, how to deal with any of the new challenges live puts in front of him, therefore he completely relies on the advice and guidance of his adult guardians. He was born with a blank memory "drive" and any experience is new for him. He is not capable to compare, evaluate, analyze and draw conclusions. That's why he needs to turn for help to those who know the answers. But, therein lies the rub - the advice he gets might often be completely misguiding. He might be told by the older brother, the policemen are the arrogant pigs and he takes this prejudice piece of information at the face value and stores it in his database. Then, later on he gets separated from his parents somewhere in the shopping mall and all of sudden, there is a policeman, who takes him by the hand, talks to him kindly and reunites him with his parents. Now he's puzzled: wait a minute, this policeman was actually nice person and he does not look or act anything like an arrogant pig. He needs to re-write his records and make a new entry into his files: "Not all the cops are bad". Just like most of us, I've done the similar little corrections in my own personal database many times in the past and will undoubtedly do it on a few occasions again. In regards of one particular instance, however, my opinion has always been solid, has never, under any circumstances changed and it never will.

There's my beef: I truly loathe people who intentionally (or in some cases - perhaps due to their selfish ignorance) abuse the most vulnerable ones - the animals and children. Those who mistreat and take advantage off the innocent creatures without their own voice and any means to defend themselves. I know a hatred is a very strong and often self destructive emotion, but I can't find within myself a single grain of forgiveness for such repulsive acts of evil and injustice. And I'll go even farther than that: If there was only one criminal misconduct serious enough to implement the hardest punishment, it would certainly have to be this one. I sign and seal this motion any time.

I know I've said it many times before, but I'll repeat it over and over again:

It is our highest moral obligation to help and protect the innocent, weak and underprivileged ones among us. Without this simple, yet fundamental philosophy, the whole human race is not worth a plugged nickel and does not deserve a place on Earth.

Go ahead, laugh your head off at my expense! Call me an old fool, if you like, but that's where I stand.

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