Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Equality Misconception

It strikes me as both - sad and amusing at the same time. I am referring to an amazing fact, that some people to date still believe in equality. Wait a minute! Are you actually one of them? Well, if that's the case, let me put things in perspective for you.

Would you like to be equal to those 3 billion people in the world who struggle to survive on US$2 per day? Maybe not quite that equal, eh? Or a bit closer to home: how about that deadbeat guy, living down the street? You know - the junkie with the criminal rap sheet a mile long. Would you like him to live in the same nice house just like yours and drive the same fancy car like you, even though he never held the job? I didn't think so. But I bet he wouldn't mind! See, and that's exactly how it works. Only the underprivileged or those oppressed or discriminated ones cry for the equal rights, abundance and social status. But there's a truly interesting phenomenon to be observed in this context: as soon as those activists reach their goal and they either individually or as a group become accepted as "equal", all of sudden it doesn't seem to be enough. Now they want more, so they promptly start to solicit all kinds of privileges and never stop pushing till they hit the mark. No need to be specific, I'm sure you too could think of one or two such examples.

And that, my friends, is the essence of a human psyche: NOBODY actually wants to be equal. On contrary, we all yearn to belong in some highly exclusive club, with formal boundaries, where a member can join "by invitation only" and the organization is inaccessible to the others. And not necessary it must be a prestigious high class private club - because it's not always just about a tangible wealth. This sociological concept is more about the "in-group" versus the "out-group", or in other words, "inclusion" and "exclusion". Being "in" provides a selected few with a unique sense of identity and also gives them the power to exclude those undesirable ones, whom they don't want inside their closed social circle.

So, the next time you hear some pitiable goof ball preaching about "freedom, equality, fraternity", please advise him to stick his shenanigans where the sun don't shine.


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