Saturday, April 11, 2009

Proverbial Canadian Politeness - Where Did It Go?

From the first moment we stepped on the Canadian soil in early eighties (in the last century, that is), we felt overwhelmed by peoples generosity, kindness and genuine courtesy. The qualities practically unheard off in the part of the world we've just arrived from. We were so grateful to be here as we knew we'd fit right in. But... boy, o' boy... How has everything changed in little more than two decades! No longer is a Canadian synonym for "nice" or "considerate". I still remember some of the jokes ridiculing Canadian mentality, for example: Canadian are so polite, they say "thank you" to a bank machine for dispensing cash for them, or: If you step in a crowded bus on Canadian's toe, he actually apologizes to you for having his foot so inconveniently in your way! But those days are long gone, and I'm afraid, Canuck's proverbial "overdone" politeness no longer exists.

Why is that? I think, I've got an answer. A two part answer, as the matter of fact. Based on my observations (and they're yet to fail me), I believe there are two main reasons for such a dramatic change of the Canadian public behavior patterns. Firstly, there is a direct connection between a nation's economic prosperity and individual's social behavior. As the standard of living declines, stress level increases, people are becoming more negative, selfish, distrustful and rude. And the second reason, like it or not, is a result of badly regulated immigration policies, political correctness nonsense and self-destructing fantasy of multiculturalism. And sorry, it's hard not to be prejudicial, if you look around and see, what sort of people arrived from different corners of the globe and how many of them are just simply not willing or able to share our moral values and ethical codes. For some of them "civilized" manners and basic social skills are beyond their comprehension. And sadly enough, considering the high rate of their reproduction, they will take control of the next generation Canadian society.

And that's all folks! We're doomed, no question about that ........................... Consider yourself warned...........

My St. Patty's Grievance

When about 333rd person has casually greeted me with "Happy St. Patrick's Day" on March 17th, a cup of my patience runneth over and I replied: "What makes you think I celebrate St. Patrick's Day? Do I look like a Irish? Or you just simply assume, that EVERYBODY has to care about this silly Irish national excuse to dress like a clown and get hammered?"

Don't take me wrong: I have nothing against Ireland and the Irish folks don't annoy me more or less than Swedes or Bora-Borans, for example. As the matter of fact, I praise Irish for some of the finest contributions to the universal welfare and happiness: Irish Whiskey, Irish Cream, Irish Setter, just to name a few. I can also appreciate an Irish music, even though, an idea of listening to their drinking songs more then once or twice a year sounds rather painful.

So...there's the bottom line: Everyone's entitled to celebrate whatever, whenever one likes, and should such an occasion incorporate a ritual of getting soaked in green beer... I have no beef with that. But - next year on March 17th, please, don't expect me to wear a green hat and don't bother to mail me a St. Patty's Greeting Card!

PS: On the same note: first person who will address me: "'Kung Hei Fat Choi" during the next year Chinese New Year festivities receives a kick in his (or her) nuts! Because, really - I may be mistaken for Irish, but Chinese? C'mon! Not even wit your both eyes closed...

World's Biggest Dog - I Think...

Recently, I have received a picture of World's Biggest Dog by Guinness World Records - English Mastiff Hercules who has a 38 inch neck and weighs 282 pounds, with "paws the size of softballs".

However, I believe, there is a new pending world champion emerging from Surrey, BC. Her name is Ashley and her neck is 78 inch, she weights estimated 1.850 pounds (+/- 1,800 lbs) and her paws are the size of basketballs (or something like that). M.

Spoiled Acts of Random Kindness

Does it also bother you? Or is it just me, sweating the small stuff?

Entering an office building lobby yesterday morning, I held the door open to let a young woman to pass through. She marched by, nose up like Miss America, avoiding eye contact, ignoring me, as if I was not there. Is it really too much to ask for a little smile or a simple "Thank you"?

Well, okay.... she might have been preoccupied in her thoughts, day dreaming or something like that... Perhaps she's accustomed to be treated like royalty all the time, having her servants pampering her and kissing her ass constantly? Who knows? But no matter what her excuse might have been - to me, her behavior was none other than rude and disrespectful. I suspect, however, this kind of attitude might have been just a sign of her ignorance. She simply does not know any better. And why should she? She's never heard her parents to say "please" or "thank you". Nobody lead her by example, endorsing courtesy and polite manners. Her family, the school system, the whole society failed miserably by not showing her what does it mean to be a compassionate, caring human being.

And there's nothing to it, really. I'm not even talking about any grandiose, noble deeds but just about those brief and simple moments of random kindness - the little things, that make us feel better about ourselves and could help us to sail through the day a bit easier. But way too often they don't, only because someone wipes the smile off our faces by acting like a rude jerk.

Just the other day, I found myself in an awkward situation: carrying a file box with my both hands I struggled to open a front door. After a score of folks walked by indifferently, finally a young man leaving the same building paused and held the door open for me to get in. Nice guy, crossed my mind... but only for a split second, until I noticed this agonizing expression on his face, demonstrating how much pain he's just suffered by offering me a helping hand. And then, responding to my "Thank you", he snapped in the most contemptuous tone in his voice: "Yeah...".

What kind of answer is that? Has he already used his daily limit of "Welcome" words and could not waste another one on me? Who knows? And who cares! Again: rude and disrespectful! I recall a similar episode while back: A middle-age woman replied to my grateful "Thank you!": "Hmmm...", without looking at me or even opening her mouth. I missed my chance to tell her: "Sorry ma'm, English is my second language, but I believe a right and polite answer should be: "You're welcome!". And let me ask you a question: what do you tell to your kids if they ask you: "Mommy, what do I suppose to say if someone thanks me for something?". Do you teach them, the correct answer is: "HMMM"?

I could have told her that, but I did not - because.... why to take the trouble? She'd probably just walked away without getting my point anyway.

Small potatoes? Perhaps. But be aware! Small potatoes usually tend to multiply a multiply and some of them grow bigger and bigger and bigger.......

Cheers (if you find something to cheer about),


Sinking Ship

Warning: Take a dose of Prozac before reading my following thoughts. If you don't have any happy pills handy, a bottle of JD will do........... M.

My Easter Meditation

A couple of years ago, I suggested in one of my uninitiated reflections, the world was on the doorstep of severe economic, financial and social crisis of unprecedented proportions. We were facing a downturn on such a scale that nobody have ever seen or heard about and which would eventually lead to the total structural meltdown and end of the civilization as we know it. No longer there will be a state social assistance or health care available, the monetary system will cease to exist and people's hard earned cash savings and retirement funds won't be worth the paper they're printed on. No fuel at the gas stations, no electricity, no clean water running from your tap. Supermarkets plundered and a critical shortage of all life necessities. No functional justice and court system or police enforcement - just state of chaos and anarchy.

Predictably, nobody would take me seriously, my comments were instantly disregarded (by those few who actually read them) as my utopian vision, some sort of ill fantasy, that would never become reality. And even now, not too many people are willing to consider these gloom predictions at least as a remote possibility. After all, it's been repeated endlessly by the financial gurus and the politicians, and happily passed on the naive public through the mass media channels: "Nothing to be worried about. What we are witnessing is just a normal economic slowdown, nothing new, a part of the predictable cycle". Even celebrated Obama himself has promised recently, the troubles are just temporary and everything's gonna be cool and peachy again.

Yeah, right!!! Better wake up and give your head a shake, if you actually believe them! And make no mistake - they know! They just don't want you to see the true, they want you to play along and pretend that everything's fine. Yes, lets fake it for just a little bit longer.

Right now the central banks around the world are pumping billions and billions into the ailing system to save the day. But the matter of fact is, that's all they'll most likely achieve. Keep the sinking ship afloat for now, prolong the agony and buy a little bit more time, before it finally goes down, all the way to the rocky bottom. The whole structure is rotten beyond repair and there is no way out - no "quick fix", no the long term alternative either - simply put: THERE IS NO SOLUTION.

Western capitalism is on its last leg, this model has outlived its usefulness and it's time to get ready for its funeral. And if someone thinks, just I used to do: "I won't live long enough to see it", well, think again! It's already in progress. The fundamental question is not "If" but "When?" How much time do we have left? 2 years? 10 years? Perhaps 20? Nobody knows. But quite frankly, what different does it make? We can't control inevitable - it is a runaway train and nobody can stop it now. Not even your Obama, you all love so much.

Please, watch the following video clips of Adrian Salbuchi on current financial situation:


Oh, silly me... I almost forgot: this is my Easter Meditation, so: Happy Easter everyone! Milo.