Friday, June 1, 2012

Just a quick comment on the annual budget, which was released only a few days ago, but it is somehow irrelevant today, under the new political circumstances in Ottawa.
Just when I thought, no action or statement produced by any politician could surprise me, there comes the secretary of state for finance Ted Menzies with his brilliant quote. In the budget, there are some small, rather insignificant pittances, sprinkled all over the board, aimed to help the different causes and various citizen's groups. When asked about a monthly $50 pension increase for impoverished seniors, Menzies
replied: "look, the opposition parties don't get it. These are the people
who lived through the dirty thirties. To them, $600 a year is an incredible
amount of money."

One couldn't make up a better example
to illustrate a government's absolute detachment from the reality and hardship
many of the low income citizens have to face day in and day our. Secretary's
wife probably spends $600 daily shopping for a new pair of shoes or on a beauty
parlor visits, but an extra $1.64 per day is "an incredible amount of money" for
a senior? Well done, Mr. Menzies! You should really get off your high horse and
try to walk for a while in regular folks moccasins. Only then you will be
qualified to say how far an extra $50 per months really goes.


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Cream of the Crop on the Parliament Hill

Undoubtedly, today’s “Question Period” session reached its lowest point possible, when Liberal Member of Parliament Justin Trudeau hurled an obscenity at Environment Minister Peter Kent, calling him “a piece of shit”. By design the “Question Period” is an opportunity for the opposition parties to seek information from the Government and to call it to account for its actions. Unfortunately, it became a sad tradition in Commons, this discussion often turns into a shouting and heckling competition and only the voice of those who scream the loudest can be heard. It’s been suggested, the Parliament Members sometimes act like a bunch of unruly kindergarten brats, but I beg to differ. Even a preschool children learn quickly, such a repulsive disrespectful behaviour can be under no circumstances ever tolerated.
If classless, arrogant garbage like Justin Trudeau is our “cream of the crop” elected representative, what does it say about the rest of us. I’d rather don’t want to know.

One cannot resist the urge to compare present-day politicians pathetic performance to those of the influential, inspiring speakers of the ancient past and our modern history. The masters of eloquence, like Cicero, Caesar, Churchill or Kennedy would be crying tears of shame if they could hear what happened on Ottawa’s Parliament Hill today.

UnBEARable Weather on the West Coast

Average daily temperatures on the the West Coast are hovering just slightly above zero with a slim chance of reaching the double digits any time soon. An overall mood of the locals is as grey and gloomy as the weather itself and people are getting weary, in many cases overwhelmed by the seasonal depression. Should you ever catch yourself complaining about the current chilly conditions, please, ask yourself this:

“Would I be still bitching about it if I were a polar bear?”
And, frankly, I doubt you would. On contrary, as a polar bear, you'd be most likely exclaiming: "Five above! Goddamn unBEARable scorcher! I'd better grab a cold one and slap on some sunscreen quick!”.
Yup, everything is measurable in terms of individual perception, even the weather.
Chill out!

Fashion Police vs. Yoga Pants

There's something disturbingly similar about "critics", no matter where they come from or which field they pretend to excel in. Most of them are deeply disillusioned about their own intellectual superiority and extraordinary observation skills and to prove it they love to compile their annoying top ten lists.
This time, the self proclaimed fashion critic Vivian Song, writer for the online magazine MSN Travel branded Vancouver as third most unfashionable city in the world. The reason? Yoga pants. That's right! She based her verdict almost solely on her findings, that many locals like to walk around in the yoga pants.
True enough, the West-Coasters enjoy the casual apparel, which in a sense somehow compliments their overall laid-back lifestyle. They’ve discovered long time ago, that a running shoes and t-shirts are by miles more comfortable than the high heals and business suits and - good on them. Although, I have my personal beef with people showing up at the evening in the opera in the hiking boots and lumberjack shirts, but perhaps it's just me, being too judgemental.

But back to the yoga pants. What's wrong with them? What did they do to be singled out as such an unacceptable piece of attire? As the matter of fact, I find them highly inspirational. I believe they posses a magical power to evoke some vivid ideas about all kinds of different physical activities, therefore they’re beneficial for our overall health. Providing, they're not worn by a short, sweaty middle age men (or women – not to discriminate) with the pants waistbands over 48. That's where I draw the line!
Happy yoga-panting!

My Amazing Memory

I've been gifted with a remarkable, unprecedented, one of a kind memory. Or should I say: two of the kinds? Perhaps I should, but I’d better not, for it makes no sense.

Are you burning with curiosity already? Well, all right then, I won't keep you in suspense any longer. My memory is truly unique because it’s both - strong and weak at the same time. For instance, I remember quite vividly being struck by a ground-breaking brilliant idea this morning, but I CAN’T for the life of me remember what the heck was it about.

Completely astonishing, isn’t it?

Prejudice and discrimination

If asked, most of the people would probably describe prejudice as an improper, unseemly standpoint, unacceptable by the ethical standards of our modern society. Sure. In a general sense yes. But, what if the same unfavourable attitude aims towards some repulsive, deplorable individual or a social group? Is it also unacceptable to be biased about a murderer, rapist, child molester or animal abuser? Not in my book. Making a preconceived judgment or assumption about such lowlife scumbags is a only a testimony of person's well refined moral and ethical principles.

Yes, of course! I can imagine a legion of politically correct lunatics getting all up in arms: "That's discrimination! Don't these people have any rights?".
Nope! None whatsoever, you morons! They revoked their own rights and privileges of decent human beings at that very moment, they violated rights of the others.
But lo and behold! There’s one right they should get granted: A ROPE.

Career Change

Today marks Sunday, February 12th, which could mean only one thing: it is a good day to reflect on my past and perhaps to consider some minor life adjustments, such as a career change. Why today? Well, for no reason at all.

There in no shortage of exciting opportunities out there in terms of my potential new occupation, and I'll outline just a few.
I could become a family physician, or a brain surgeon. I mean – how hard that could be? Certainly much easier jobs than a funeral clown or crocodile wrangler. But doctor's job description includes seeing patients pretty much on daily bases and I don't like people in general, let alone the sick ones. And then, I'm not too keen on seeing blood or festering wounds, never mind performing the prostate exams.
But, there's always an option to turn into a star ballet dancer or a famous opera singer, perhaps a tenor or a mezzosoprano. A great benefit of being a stage performer is, the entire audience remains in the dark, therefore invisible! I believe, I already mentioned, I'm not particularly fond of people and a sight of them gives me the willies. I realize, my voice's more tearful that tuneful, but a lip sing trick would easily fix that. Just that you know, a lip singing does not apply the same way to dancing, but hey(!), a ballet's never been my cup of tea anyways.
To be honest, I haven't seriously consider to give it a shot, but I've heard, there might be some openings for a vomit collector in some theme parks. Those designated cleaners mop up puke near rides that tend to inspire motion sickness. But I don't think that's the job I'm looking for. Not to mention, I probably wouldn't last too long in this line of work, because being in a proximity of a vomit would undoubtedly trigger my own vomiting reflex, resulting in a vomit pile up and an urgent need to hire some additional vomit collectors.
I posted a few ads here and there, offering my services as an ostrich babysitter, but no takers yet. If my suspicions are correct, and there are not as many ostriches in North Surrey as I anticipated, this job will be definitely of the table soon.

There's a few more promising career choices, that briefly crossed my mind, but at the end they sadly did not make the cut. A snake milker, a cow hoof trimmer, a polar bear mother, a golf ball diver, the guy with the yellow coat, a dog food tester, a braille translator, an armpit sniffer, a zombie, a worm picker, a shark tank cleaner, a fecal archaeologist and a Bangladeshi otter trainer.
As you can certainly appreciate, searching for a fitting trade or profession can be extremely knotty and intricate, so after all this exhausting research, I've decided to stick with my original plan. I'll keep digging around through the job postings ads for a millionaire playboy offers. I strongly believe, I've got all the necessary qualifications and my intuitive feeling tells me, I'd be a perfect candidate for the job. And it beats a vomit collector hands down.

Where Do They Go?

It’s a burning question, hunting one generation after another since the beginning of time. One of those world greatest mysteries, explored by the philosophers, writers and scientists alike, over and over again:
Where the heck all those rabbits go to spend their Winters?

During the Spring and Summer months, you can see the bunnies hopping and frolicking by dozens on the grassy clearings in about any city park. But when the Winter arrives, they’re all gone! Where to? Some clueless, desperate biologists have resorted to a number of unfounded, and often ridiculous theories, such as the one about rabbits hiding during the Winter in their underground burrows. What a preposterous idea! Well, forget all this nonsense and consider yourself lucky today, because I have just THE ANSWER, you’ve been always waiting for.

To get away from our hostile, cold winter conditions, the rabbits absolutely loathe, they simply migrate to warmer southern territories. Although the bunnies are not exactly the social animals, they travel in flocks. To reduce the energy loss, they fly in formation known as a single file (as oppose to a geese’s V-formation). Nobody has ever seen the rabbits in the sky, but there’s an easy explanation for that. Unlike the birds, the migratory rabbits fly exclusively during the night, at high altitude of 70000 to 80000 feet and speed of Mach 3.2 to remain undetected by radar. Why it’s so important for them to stay undercover, only the rabbits know.

I realize, it all sounds almost unbelievable and a bit hard to digest. But again, after my brief solitary brainstorming, I came up with a surprising, yet logical conclusion, that will definitely shed light on this interesting subject. My brilliant theory is based on a fact, a goose and a rabbit are in reality the perfect genetic match, therefore - identical species. To fully understand, we need to go back to prehistoric times (possibly late 18th century AD), when our planet was occupied only by various, mostly illiterate prehistoric things. At about that time, a Giant Northern Crocodile, who bore a remarkable resemblance to today's Canada Goose decided for no apparent reason to leave his home at the bottom of Lake Ontario and continue living on a dry land instead. Unfortunately, the giant croc shortly before his not quite prudent move contracted terrifying type AAA influenza virus*), which later on became responsible for the following enormous genetic transformations. While appearance of the uninfected individuals remained without any change**), the affected crocodiles gradually lost their feather, beaks and wings and acquired an extra pair of strong legs and a couple of long ears. Today, for lack of a better name, we call these magnificent crocodiles - rabbits.

I bet my bottom Dollar, you had not a slight inkling of any of this, but please, don't send me any “thank you” notes. My greatest reward is my cognizance, I could help to clarify your doubts and inconsistencies, and I’ve done it all in the name of science.


*) The dreaded “AAA” virus, also known as “Virus the Horrible”, was most likely spread into the Lake Ontario by the early Asian merchants, trading silk, counterfeit blue jeans and cheap lead painted plastic toys. Less known fact is, these Asian traders were also devoted windsurfing enthusiasts, often showing off their skills of the shores the Great Lakes, hence the virus contamination.

**) The descendants of the uninfected Giant Northern Crocodile, often incorrectly called the “Canada Goose”, later on became a nuisance of every golf course in North America.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Same Sex Marriage Shenanigans

It must have been one of those slow news weeks. No bloody wars or juicy political scandals, no major plane crash with hundreds of passengers perishing, not even a little, tiny homicide or a rape to report on. If you’re a responsible journalist, it is your professional duty to spin an insignificant story into a breaking news or quickly invent one altogether. Such was a case of two lesbians from Indiana, who came back to Toronto hoping to get divorced. It should be as easy as 1-2-3, they thought, since they got here legally married during their happier times in early 2005. Surprise, surprise! Those two little cupcakes apparently failed to notice a small print on their marriage application, which clearly states, their contract is valid on the condition, they stay in Canada for at least twelve months. It turned to be, they actually lived in the States instead, therefore their marriage’s never been validated and naturally, the divorce papers could not be even filed. No marriage, no divorce – as simple as that.

After a mass media did their part and let those women whine on the camera and their boring petty tale dominated the front pages of the national papers, the issue was quickly picked up by the various special interest and political groups, who readily utilized it for their own dubious agendas. Predictably, gays and lesbians rights champions were up in the arms, and also not surprisingly, the opposition political parties seized the opportunity to attack Harper and accuse him of having a some kind of hidden agenda. The PM was visiting the West Coast at that time and had no clue about this stupid incident (nor he should have). It was a bit embarrassing to watch him addressing this vague issue, he knew nothing about, for a swarm of the demanding, hard-nosed journalists. Rest of the country could not care less and neither could I, but just for the sake of it, I’d love to give those two women a piece of advice. “Girls, get over it and count your blessings, you’ve been spared a whole divorce awkwardness. Grab your $700 you saved on divorce legal fees and blew it in some lesbian single bar or wherever you normally go to have a fun. But most importantly, shut the hell up and leave us out of it!”

This “story”, however insignificant, stirred up an old and equally ridiculous controversy about legalization of the same sex marriage. It’s been off and on in the news for years, occasionally hitchhiked and used by the political spinners and a social activists as their powerful propaganda device. To manipulate people’s minds, this simple matter has been most of the time presented as an extremely complex, crucially important issue, while in reality, it’s anything but. How so? Because, it actually boils down to the basic definition, which according to any dictionary ever published in all the languages reads: “Marriage - the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law.” I hope everybody understands definition of the word “definition”. For those who don’t – “Definition - the act of defining or making definite, distinct, or clearly outlined”. Clear enough? My point is, if we push through our “right” to change the meanings of the terms that we’ve all previously agreed on, sooner or later everything we want to say becomes just a useless gibberish.

I’ve been always curious, why is the lesbian and gay community (as well as those nuts, who are constantly worried about everybody’s else rights) so fascinated and obsessed with the word marriage. If there is something so truly magical about it, please, let us know and we may consider calling single people “not married yet”, divorced ones “married no more” and common-law partners “not quite married”. I bet, right now you found yourself thinking: “Gee, I’ve never heard anything this stupid before!” Yes, you’re absolutely correct. It is a monumental nonsense and stupid one too.

But luckily, there is a simple and sensible resolution to this nonsense and it originates nowhere else than in Germany, the country, where “ordnung”, discipline and propriety have always been their prime commandments. It is called The Registered Partnership (Eingetragene Lebenspartnerschaft) and it grants to the registered opposite-sex couples all the rights and obligations of marriage, including full tax benefits etc. A clever compromise that should put the whole purposeless controversy and endless childish arguing finally to the rest. I hope.

And on that note, I hereby rest my case as well.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Sad Monologue of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi


Poor Muammar. Now he's confused more than ever (if that's even possible). He doesn't
know, what to think:

"Why does everybody turn against me all of sudden? What have I done to deserve such an unexpected betrayal - this nasty hit below the belt? For past forty years or so, I've been a faithful leader of the the revolution, like Che Guevara or Mao Tse-tung, or the Spiderman, haven't I? My people love me (and rightfully so), because for all those years, I've been devotedly protecting them against..... against, you know... the bad things. Like terrorists, yes... and.... evil seven head dragons and invaders from Mars and Susan Boyle..."

"And what about my friends - those grotesque Westerners? We've always been good buddies for years. Well except for a few  petty quarrels, but in a healthy relationship, there's nothing wrong with it. Like, for instance, that time, in 1981, when I was considering assassination of Ronald Reagan. Or in 1986, when George Bush bombed Tripoli and tried to kill me. Awwww… so many fond memories. We had so much fun together. And especially for a past decade, we've really bonded together with my Western amigos. They often invited me to their parties, we joked and laughed together, and they gave me some wonderful gifts and toys. Not the newest ones, I'd really like to have, only those they didn't want to play with anymore. The older tanks and airplanes and the missiles, and such. They even let me keep my hard earned revolutionary money in their banks, you know... nothing major. Just three billions in Canada and a few more billions here and there all over the world. They called me Mad Dog of the Middle East, but they always stayed by my side and never objected, when I occasionally tortured or killed some of those pesky political opponents. Yes, that's what the good friends do - stick together for better or worse."

"So what's going on? Why am I a bad guy now? Maybe I should have taken it to my heart, when someone once warned me: Pray to the Lord not to protect you from your enemies, only from your friends".

Sorry Muammar, since the last month, you're not our buddy anymore, we un-friended you in our Facebooks and we'll probably kill you soon. But no hard feelings, it's nothing personal. It's just how it works. You've got to admire the fine art of the international politics and foreign diplomacy.

Your Loyal (no more) Westerner,


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ted Menzies Hallucinations

Just a quick comment on the annual budget, which was released only a few days ago, but it is somehow irrelevant today, under the new political circumstances in Ottawa.

Just when I thought, no action or statement produced by any politician could surprise me, there comes the secretary of state for finance Ted Menzies with his brilliant quote. In the budget, there are some small, rather insignificant pittances, sprinkled all over the board, aimed to help the different causes and various citizen's groups. When asked about a monthly $50 pension increase for impoverished seniors, Menzies replied: "look, the opposition parties don't get it. These are the people who lived through the dirty thirties. To them, $600 a year is an incredible amount of money."

One couldn't make up a better example to illustrate a government's absolute detachment from the reality and hardship many of the low income citizens have to face day in and day our. Secretary's wife probably spends $600 daily shopping for a new pair of shoes or on a beauty parlor visits, but an extra $1.64 per day is "an incredible amount of money" for a senior? Well done, Mr. Menzies! You should really get off your high horse and try to walk for a while in regular folks moccasins. Only then you will be qualified to say how far an extra $50 per months really goes.


The Three Stooges Finally Pulled It Off

The opposition parties leaders, Liberal's Michael Ignatieff, NDP's Jack Layton and BQ's Gilles Duceppe briefly mingled in a vicious pack and in unprecedented move brought down the Harper's five-year-old minority Conservative Government. Last time they've tried the same stunt, they failed miserably and despite their latest second attempt success, they will hardly gain or change anything this time either. The general election will be called for the first week in May and after its all done and the dust settles, the same, most likely even stronger Conservative minority (and perhaps even majority) government will be re-established. Nothing will be accomplished and the federal coffers will be lighter by the election cost of roughly 300 Million Dollars from the taxpayers pockets.

Never mind the desperate strategy and arguments used to topple the Conservatives - if a motion of no-confidence didn't work, they'd probably reached the same result by rejecting the annual budget, or they'd come with something else sooner or later. Let's make one thing clear, the whole charade is not about undisclosed costs of government's tough-on-crime bill, corporate tax cuts or plans to purchase fighter jets. Those are only the opposition parties red herrings and we will hear about those issues again, many times during their election campaigns. But the real and only reason they gave Mr. Harper the boot is much simpler and not so noble whatsoever. If you guessed it's all about a power and greed, you're absolutely right. Over and over again, for the millenniums of mankind existence, the history repeats itself. The potential leaders are so eager and thirsty for power, they can't conceal it even if they try.

In the next thirty-six days we're going to witness all the involved parties throwing about everything in the book, the voters like to hear. The righteous, but empty promises about a health- and child-care improvement, securing a pension plan, focus on education, human rights, environment, reducing national deficit, building strong economy and re-establishing Canada's international prestige. The competing parties individual platforms are not so different from each other, in fact, they look like carbon copies. "We are here to listen to the voice of our great nation and we will sacrifice everything to follow the people's commands and wishes". There'll be a plenty of such cliches,catchphrases and claptraps, but primarily, we'll see no shortage of ugly mud slinging and slandering. After all, a negative advertising - a casting malicious slurs on the opponents has proved to be the most effective tool to discredit any of them.

To me personally, none of it matters, I never waste my time to go to the polls to cast my ballot. Never in the past, not this year and/or any time in the future. Some confused people say: "You have to vote, otherwise you have no right to complain about anything later". The hell I do! On this one, I'm in agreement with the great late George Carlin, who once quoted:

"If you vote, and you elect dishonest, incompetent politicians, and you screw  things up, then you're responsible for what they've done. You voted them in. You caused the problem. You have no right to complain."

Not that it really matters, who's the next party governing this country, but you can bet your bottom dollar, come this May, Stephen Harper will be back in the saddle of his high horse. And he knows. The other three, disillusioned, power hungry clowns don't get it. Without forming a coalition - which option is clearly out of the table - none of them stands the chance. And that's fine with me. At least on outside, Harper displays the old-fashioned, classy leadership qualities, paramount to succeed as a head of state: he's smooth and convincing, eloquent speaker, well groomed and always in control of his emotions. Is he a control freak, ruling with an uncompromising, dictatorship style? Perhaps. But without those properties, no lion can stay alive for too long.

Happy ballotage,


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Our (Canadian) Way

I must confess, I'm completely puzzled. What exactly is all that fuss about? The last week's news regarding a mass slaughter of 100 healthy dogs by the Whistler dog-sled company operator caused huge unanticipated and very vocal international commotion. But why? Doesn't the whole world know, this is our, Canadian way? We are nice people - kind, polite, considerate, but just like anyone else, we also have our soft spot. We like to kill things.
And especially those who can't defend themselves. So what? After all, those baby seals we enjoy to club and skin alive, just like those forementioned dogs or the polar bear cubs had that coming! Is it our fault, they're stupid, vulnerable and they can't fight back? And beside that, isn't it true the seals eat OUR fish and breathe OUR air? Someone needs to teach all those ignorant creatures who's in charge around here. Some naive, clueless pinheads proclaim, our ethics and civility are defined by the way we treat those who can't speak for themselves. Nonsense! Civility is measured only by the size of our bank accounts and the sophistication of our weapons. The wealthier and more powerful we are, the better and smarter we are.
And it simply happens, we, Canadians are quite rich and full-armed, so the rest of you, little weasels just watch out! Because if you piss us off, we may kill you too! Providing you're small and helpless, of course.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Relationship with Alcohol

It's been politely pointed to me, there are some indications, I am being obsessed with an alcohol. I have no need or a desire to explain myself, primary because I couldn't care less what somebody else thinks of me and beside that, I firmly believe, to take such a course is silly and completely necessary. That is to say, I subscribe to a notion, your friends don't need any explanation and your enemies won't believe it. However, an aforementioned remark inspired me to write a following account of my attitude toward alcohol.
First of all, rather then obsession, I'd like to call it a life-long lasting passion  Yes indeed, I
am not afraid to admit I admire alcohol, but just the same, I've been fortunate enough to avoid developing a physical dependence on it.
My intimate relationship with alcohol went through its phases over the years, but we never forsaken each other. In the beginning, there were my explorative times of an indiscriminate approach to alcohol, when I would drink anything, anywhere and any amount available (ahhh, those sweet, confusing days of  an innocent soul-searching, experimenting and discovering). Then, later on I became an occasional social drinker, still not particularly selective in terms of varieties (of both: the booze and the establishments I would consume
it). And finally, after all those happy years, our close-knitted partnership with my good old buddy alcohol evolved to its current refined form, the best described as: "quality over quantity". I learned and graduated to appreciate a significant distinction between a $20 bottle of commercially produced grain spirit and the unparallel depth and character of an agreeably tasting fine French cognac or a scrumptious single malt Scotch.
These exquisite times of a pure satisfaction, when smooth, soft and lasting flavour of Dalwhinnie rolls on my tongue are precisely those rare moments, that are worth living for. 

If I only.....

Quite obviously, I've been uttered by some kind of curse that's been forcing me to follow the same crazy perpetual pattern: No matter what I do, I always find myself a couple of tiny steps behind. Not by much, yet far enough to miss every golden opportunity thrown in my direction.
Just take this latest example: I could have easily become a new Canadian Governor General, if I only (how embarrassing!) haven't forgotten to mail in my job application.


The whole issue surrounding a governor's significance (or rather a lack of), is a classic case of this proverbial huge elephant in the room. Everyone sees it, but not a soul would dare to say it loud. Lets be honest and admit, that we, Canadians never express our opinion, if
there is just a slight risk we may sound impolite or inappropriate in any sense. We're simply not carved that way. And guess what - I also am the Canadian (occasionally even a proud one), but I've never been able to shake off that trace of my vulgar unsophisticated European origin. Therefore, I don't mind to raise my voice for all the others:


Yes, and there you have it: No matter how hard you rack your brain, you won't find a job as worthless as the Canadian Governor General.


No dispute there. However, since I've been involved in many pointless activities in my past and this one (unlike the others) comes with a very generous paycheck, I would, for the good of our country, lower my ethical standards and take the gig. Am I sufficiently qualified for the job? Please! What kind of question is that? If that woman from Haiti was capable to pull it off, then who wouldn't? It's just a matter of getting there, but that nut might be a bit tough to crack. My English is almost bad as hers, so I could score some points there, but realistically viewed, should I compete against someone like her, I'd probably won't stand a chance. Who am I kidding? A black female from developing country - who can beat that three-combination?


Well, it doesn't matter now, the job is taken and a David Johnston already has moved to his office. But that's fine, let him have it, I've never liked a desk job anyway. It's just another addition to a high pile of my missed opportunities. I haven't become a celebrated ballet dancer either, have I? Well, that's another story altogether. But, since I mentioned that, I must add, just for the record, I've never excelled in any physical activities, probably due to my clumsiness and a hopeless body and limbs motor discoordination, and not to mention I don't fancy a ballet at all. So, in a way I consider my failure to become new Baryshnikov a lucky break. I'd be most likely quite miserable going to work every day, should I succeed. 



Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The End of the World

It is no secret our present universe will be annihilated on December 21, 2012, when 5,125-year-long cycle in the Mayan Long Count calendar reaches its completion. There are some meaningless speculations, whether the Earth perishes due to collision with a passing planet, disappears being sucked into a black hole, or rather burns to the ashes with the arrival of the next solar maximum. Nobody knows exact circumstances inducing this event, but after it's all over, the actual causes will bear hardly any relevance to us. Yes, we're doomed and there's nothing in our power we can do to influence or alter the final outcome.

However, it is not all so hopeless, as it seems. We still have a plenty of time on our hands and we'd better use it wisely. As for me, I've got my priorities set. In 2012, instead of waiting for my presents till the Christmas day, I will open them the very latest on December 20th and I suggest to everyone to follow my example. Otherwise, we'd never know, what we got and it would be really sad.


Monday, December 27, 2010

Summary Paper Bill Fee

Aha! There we go again!

It never fails to amaze me how perseveringly inventive they prove to be. By "they" I mean all those faceless and soulless institutions, (private and state alike) who are tirelessly trying to dig deeper into our pockets.

Just today, I've noticed a brand new extra $2.00 charge on my last Telus Mobility monthly statement. As usual, they've justified a new form of the rip-off by disguising it as a noble initiative. In this case, so called "Summary Paper Bill Fee" is according to Telus "an attempt to reduce paper waste and save the trees". Please, at least spare me of your fake concern and bogus noble-mindedness!

Apparently, it was Fido who introduced a paper bill option for a $2.00/month cost as oppose to free online billing and quite predictably this example was soon followed by Bell Mobility and now Telus as well.

All right, I know. You don't get much for your two bucks these days, so why even bother? But that's not a moot point here. This is yet another obtrusive hidden fee, which the hundreds, perhaps thousands of subscribers won't even notice on their bills and that's what I truly loathe. Those companies wager on people's stupidity and submissive indifference and at the end of the day, they always make the big time!



For a week or two I've been experiencing a strange sensation in my left knee. Hardly anything even close to an intolerable pain, but rather a slight discomfort, that prevents me from running, let alone playing a football.

Fortunately, I don't care for running and I have never in my entire life participated in a single football game. Thank heavens for that! I'd be really frustered if I have.


Wikileaks - Part 2

A few people responded to my previous Wikileaks article portraiting Mr. Assange as a brave, honest advocate for freedom of information and a whistle blower, who's been unselfishly uncovering evildoers among the elite and powerful ones. Sure. Possibly, he's also a compassionate family man and a cat-lover. No wonder Michael Moore likes him so much. However, it is not my place to judge him or his motives, yet once again, as for his latest adventure with the embassy cables, I cannot call it anything less than outrageously impertinent, if not downright criminal. Of course, if you arm yourself with the convincing arguments, you might be able to justify a murder, but no matter what, you still can't make it right. The Wikileaks fans suffer with disillusion, they do the right thing for the right reasons, but in fact, they don't even do the wrong thing for the right reasons - it is simply all wrong on all levels. They need to wrap their heads around the fact, that IT'S NOT OK to take anything they like, just because IT'S THERE. But I realize, that's probably too much to expect from this selfish instant and easy gratification generation.

The private correspondence is private because it is exchanged confidentially between close group of two or more people and no one uninvited into the conversation has any right to read it, hear it, and far from sharing it with public. Let's say, for the sake of argument, that I send you an e-mail, where I offer you my opinion on our mutual acquaintance Mr. H. and I add some unflattering remarks on his account. (And by the way, many of these cables reportedly contain exactly this - embarrassing or insulting remarks about some third party person). At some point, you might decide to post my message (that was intended for your eyes only) on your Facebook Wall and make it accessible by everyone. And you know, it is only a matter of time, before Mr. H., about whom I have spoken unkindly, get chance to read it. Now, let's examine, what you have actually achieved by taking this action:

1. You managed to upset and disappoint me, perhaps so much, I will never trust you again.

2. You've hurt and embarrassed Mr. H., who would from now on dislike and distrust you (and me), and might even think or actually proceed with some sort of retaliation.

3. You certainly won't gain any respect for yourself among your Facebook social circle, because everyone will be very cautious to take you (and me) into their confidence.

I believe, this is a classic lose-lose scenario and making public some mocking comments by one diplomatic figure on another will accomplish nothing, except of needless awkwardness, embarasement, shame and mutual tention.



Unless you just woke up from a coma or you've spent a past few weeks in a cave, you have certainly heard about the WikiLeaks. There's not much to add to the ongoing discussion, the whole affair has been over-analyzed, many contending points of view have been made, all possible angles have been examined. Surely, as in many other controversies, there is a growing tendency to complicate the matter more than necessary. This is a strategy so often exercised by people with some sort of a hidden agenda, in order to confuse or manipulate the public opinion in one or the other direction. Whether it might be also the WikiLeaks case, that I don't know.

Those recent events, strangely enough brought back the memories of my mother. She was a simple, uneducated woman of a few words, but anything she had to say always held a strong underlined message of wisdom and common sense. For instance, she would believe, that in many arguments people tend to draw their elaborate conclusions, while overlooking the basic and the obvious at the same time. With provision for this notion, my personal take on the WikiLeaks issue is quite plain and rather unsophisticated.

The vast amount of the classified, private documents (never intentioned for the public record) have been obtain illegally, to be afterwards gradually released on line.The actual content of the materials is irrelevant and I doubt anyone reads them anyway. The very bottom line remains, Bradley Manning have stolen thousands of private letters (embassy cables, if you will) and another crook, Julian Assange is now making them public. By definition, both of the gentlemen have committed the criminal acts, the first one is a theft and as for Assange, his contribution is nothing but a clear violation of a constitutional guarantee on the privacy of correspondence. It is no different than steeling the private mail from the postal truck, opening it and posting the copies on the Internet.

Predictably, it did not take too long before the army of hackers offered their computer expertise to either post the stolen materials on their mirror sites or to attack some legitimate businesses who distanced themselves from the WikiLeaks charade. Those "freedom of information activists", consisting mostly useless freeloaders living in their parents basements are confusing the law-breaking with some kind of moral right for a free speech. What they don't understand is the fact, they're becoming the accessories to the theft and fraud. In the simple terms - the common criminals, just like their admired heroes Manning and Assange.


Prescription drug dispensing fees

If you happen to be like me and don't visit your local pharmacy on regular bases, you may get caught surprised by paying relatively high extra charge on your prescription drugs in form of the dispensing fee. Yesterday, I had my prescription medications prepared by the Rexal Pharmacy in Vancouver. The combined cost for two different drugs was $11.79, however the total at the register came to $31.79. Why? The dispensing fees in amount of $10.00 have been applied to each prescriptions.


I haven't been able to find an information comparing those fees in Vancouver pharmacies, but I'm sure it would be very similar to the one bellow from Victoria. The amounts of the dispensing fees are apparently quite comparable across Canada, ranging from $9.00 - $12.00, but according to my research, the Costco stands clearly as a winner with more than 50% lower dispensing fees than any other competitors.



Prescription drug dispensing fees - Victoria, BC - November 2010:

Costco $4.49

Save On Foods 9.10

Wal Mart 9.60

London Drugs 9.60

Zellers 9.60

Bahrs 9.60

Medecine Shoppe 9.60

Thrifty’s 9.60

View Street Pharmacy 9.60

Safeway 10.60

Rexall 11.10

Shoppers 11.60

Peoples 11.60

Pharmasave 11.99


Our life opens in front of us many surprising paths with scores of intersections and multiple alternative directions to choose from. In many instances, a course of events runs beyond our control, but not so when it comes to adopting our own principal point of view. The choice is ours. You may opt to have a pessimistic world outlook and live a miserable, despondent life, or - like me - to cross to the sunny side of the street and embrace more rewarding, sanguine attitude.

Yes indeed, I am clearly a person perceiving my proverbial glass always as half full. Which, by definition makes me an optimist, no doubt. Incidentally, just as a marginal comment, it needs to be noted, my glass contents exclusively a lethal dose of poisonous, infectious, hallucinogenic, psychotic, highly caloric, morally corrupted, cholesterol loaded, decadent, foul smelling and politically correct Molotov cocktail.

Nevertheless, it feels truly satisfying to carry such a positive philosophical view and I'm not afraid to say it loud - it's great to be a HAPPY GUY!


My Lucky Break

I heaved a sigh of relief at my luck!

Why, you ask?

Well, because I haven't flown to London for X-Mas this year, that's why.

What a mess over there, eh?

But then again, I never go to Europe anyway. So..... I guess, it's not such a biggie for me after all.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Business as Usual (From the Ticklish Files)

It is shocking and a little bit embarrassing, that I, healthy male in my late fifties have never in my life purchased (or sold, for that matter) any sexual services in any form and shape. When I think of the excuses for my irresponsible behavior, all I can come up is a lack of an opportunity. Certainly, I do not despise or condemn any adult people who negotiate a business contract, involving engagement in consensual physical act and in compliance with their previous (usually verbal) agreement, the transaction is finalized by monetary compensation of one of them. To me it's a legitimate business affair, just like shopping for any other daily life necessities. After all, if a selling is legal and a sex is legal, then where's the rationale in proclaiming selling sex as an illegal activity?

As I stated beforehand, I am not talking about the scum bags exploiting some enslaved helpless human beings, but about the decent adult people, acting of their own free will and in their privacy, out of the public view. Naturally, some self-righteous prudes would argue, that prostitution should be banned, prosecuted and completely uprooted, because the so called "sex industry" is associated with all kinds of negative social and cultural impacts, such as the human trafficking, slave trade, physical violence, substance abuse etc. Yes, of course, these are very serious issues, deserving a full public attention and some immediate remedial measures. However, the sex itself (whether performed totally free of charge or in exchange for a fee) is not to be blamed as a cause of these adverse social aspects. It would be just like identifying walking as a dangerous procedure, because there is a remote possibility to fall and sustain an injury. There's also a misconception about prostitution, based on assumption, the sex trade workers always enter their profession solely due to a lack of the other opportunities. But the same could be said about a maid, a bus boy, a street cleaner or a general laborer, yet, there's nothing shameful or derogative about their occupations. Lets remember, not everybody is predestined to become a banker, a doctor, or a hereditary millionaire. Beside that, it is my believe, that many of these professionals, especially the high end call girls and escorts (females or males) enjoy their line of work, in particular the lavish lifestyle affiliated with it. And good for them! They deserve to be fairly compensated not only for providing such an important, invaluable public service but for being constantly stigmatized and looked down upon.
