Sunday, February 13, 2011

Our (Canadian) Way

I must confess, I'm completely puzzled. What exactly is all that fuss about? The last week's news regarding a mass slaughter of 100 healthy dogs by the Whistler dog-sled company operator caused huge unanticipated and very vocal international commotion. But why? Doesn't the whole world know, this is our, Canadian way? We are nice people - kind, polite, considerate, but just like anyone else, we also have our soft spot. We like to kill things.
And especially those who can't defend themselves. So what? After all, those baby seals we enjoy to club and skin alive, just like those forementioned dogs or the polar bear cubs had that coming! Is it our fault, they're stupid, vulnerable and they can't fight back? And beside that, isn't it true the seals eat OUR fish and breathe OUR air? Someone needs to teach all those ignorant creatures who's in charge around here. Some naive, clueless pinheads proclaim, our ethics and civility are defined by the way we treat those who can't speak for themselves. Nonsense! Civility is measured only by the size of our bank accounts and the sophistication of our weapons. The wealthier and more powerful we are, the better and smarter we are.
And it simply happens, we, Canadians are quite rich and full-armed, so the rest of you, little weasels just watch out! Because if you piss us off, we may kill you too! Providing you're small and helpless, of course.